
New website up
After a long time working with my own custom joomla version, I
decided its time to give it a slight overall
(Especially for working with bigger resolutions
Please be aware that some old stuff is still missing until
I shift all stuff to the new server
This is the section for site / personal specific news and experiments. In most cases these are rambings intended as food for thought. I might be wrong...clearly wrong

Self made 360° scanner feasiblity test. Winter holliday project. |

A general statement on the future of sIBL and whats the fuzz I make about sIBLstage / lightsmith is all about about

Quicky: Showcase of the nd filter holder for my old peleng lens for inspiration purposes. |

For inspiration: Hands on report obn Blenders AI addon...for inspiration |

My reference cube I have in my bag more than 15 years |