
New website up
After a long time working with my own custom joomla version, I
decided its time to give it a slight overall
(Especially for working with bigger resolutions
Please be aware that some old stuff is still missing until
I shift all stuff to the new server

Histogrammy is a hdr historgam viewer for lightwave (master plugin since version 2.0).Version 3 is a completle rewrite, featuring some really nice features render2imagefp works similar to the render to image function isnde lw, except this function provieds hdr / fp support
Interface Overview
Select Image to examine |
Channel Selection (curretnly BW RGB) |
Popup Menue for QUickhisto Autoupdate and Recalc Zoom) |
Main View, Use Let Mouse to select a range / position, Dark grey values are below 0 and above 1.0 |
Buttons for Horizontal Zoom Vertical Zoom Drag Button for horizontal movement Zoom to Selection (still needs some improvements) Reset view |
Minimum and maximum pixel value |
Current position inside the histogram |
Amount of pixels at the current position |
Autoupdate Changes made inside the image editor (contrast brightness etc, will automatical affect the histogram)
Recalc Zoom Recalculates the histogramm according to the zoom level to prevent stairstepping (to give some fp precisson to the world of histograms)
QuickHisto To avoid large delays with large image, quickhisto uses only a limited amount of samples of the image, resulting in an incorrect, but imho close aproximation of the image. This function is activated by default when Autoupdate ot recalc zoom is used
Render2Imagefp edition has been improved for the 9.2 usage, and is multible times faster Please notice, histogrammy is for 8.5 and above (please download apropriate file)