Still in the progress wrapping up old projects. Basically it roates the table by 2 degrees, and send a command to my camera to take a picture. And repeats the process until 360 degrees are reached. The base consist of a nema 17 43 stepper motor, wich is attached to the 3d printed table. The base and the table are connected by a lazy suzan. The motor is controlled by an arduino+cnc shield. And the camera by the respective sdk.
Most of the stuff could be transfered from previous project: CNC shield from the diy lidar scanner, and camera control from the original mitata version. The hardest part was the soldering (wich I seriously need more training) and some minor hardware problems (The first arduino board didn't work with the shield).
Cost for this setup was below 60 bucks, and considering how much this will save me time in future. (Doing something else whiile the system scans) it was worth the investment.